Abha Light Foundation


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ALF has grown, matured and transformed over the last few years.

As a non-profit organization, we have grown into our new format as a social enterprise, a charitable non-profit that also will engage in income generation activities to support the service work.

We’ve moved our focus from training to establishment. Stabilizing the individual clinics and practitioners has been the priority and well as the pharmacy and its products, which will provide a stable future for continued growth in alternative medicine in Kenya.

We’ve reached out to East Africa and have partnered or supported homeopathic projects and practitioners in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Uganda.

Our core activities have become more self-sufficient through various income-generation. We have been mostly self-sufficient in our running costs for several years. Though, we still need your help for our special projects and charitable work.

The Spirulina Project: free distribution to children in need

The Spirulina Project started in 2011, is the brainchild of Didi Ananda Prama, Ireland. This highly nutrition blue-green algae is being grown adjacent to our Kambimawe Clinic in order to supplement nutritionally needy children in the area. Kambimawe is located in Eastern Province Kenya and regularly suffers droughts. It especially in those times that food is scarce and the children suffer from malnutrition. The spirulina is easy to grow and easy to distribute.


Recently HEAL International NV has supported the project by funding the constructuion of a permanent structure for the tanks. Now production is up and more chilodren are able to be put into the programme.

Free Children’s Clinics in Partnership with HEAL International NV

In partnership with HEAL International NV, seven of ALF’s affiliated clinics have been conducting free children’s clinics. In the first quarter of this programme about 1000 children have been attended to for their general healthcare. Grateful parents report that the health of their children have improved greatly. The children are also receiving a regular supply of spirulina.

Free Malaria Prevention and HIV-Supportive Medicine Distributions

In 2014, three independent projects from Western and Nyanza provinces approached ALF for health care support. Four hundred courses (doses) of the homeopathic anti-malaria medicine Malarix was distributed and 160 courses of Iquilai, a very effective immune restoration medicine in the management of HIV. In addition 200 doses of Wormex, for intestinal worms was also distributed.

New Clinics and Clinic Upgrades

In conjunction with the Free Children’s Clinic Project with HEAL International NV, five affiliated ALF clinics were upgraded or were finally established. Our affiliate homeopaths sometimes have waited for years until funds could be available to help them establish themselves. Thanks to HEAL, we were able to assist Elizabeth in Buruburu (Nairobi), Phylis in Kiambu (Nairobi), Joseph in Machakos (Eastern), John in Matuu (Eastern) and Munga in Likoni (Coast).

Allergy Treatment and Speciality Clinics

Thanks to the visit of Dr Neha Seth of Mumbai in May, a number of ALF affiliate homeopaths were trained in her unique homeopathic approach to the treatment of allergies. It is Dr Seth’s view that allergies – the body’s state of intolerance to substances – poses an obstacle to cure. By desenstizing and curing the patient of their allergies opens the door to the treatment of any other disease as well. As a result we have upgraded a few of our clinics to specialize in the treatment of allergies.

Abha Light Dispensary

The Abha Light Pharma opened its doors in Westlands, Nairobi in 2011 and has been growing ever since. It’s being run by the two-person team of Rachael Masaku and Jadu Rawi. Rachael is trained in homeopathy, reflexology, Bowen Therapy. She is also a certified trainer in NADA therapy and an Infant Massage instructor. Rawi is studying homeopathy and is our business & sales manager. She sees her clients in a therapy room at the back of the shop.

The dispensary has over 2,000 homeopathic remedies available to serve the practitioners of East Africa and individual from the public. As the public comes to know of its existence, the dispensary has grown and stabilized as a viable enterprise. The dispensary has also supplied professional remedy kits to private practitioners in Rwanda, DR Congo and Uganda. We hope to continue to support the spread and growth of homeopathy throughout East Africa.

Visiting trainers and volunteers

Volunteers have ever been a part of ALF’s history and growth. We are ever thankful for their contribution to the projects. This year we had Jette Limberg from Germany. Her contribution in furthering the training of personnel was invaluable. Thanks Jette.

Malaria Research Partnership

ALF has also been in partnership with Martien Brands and Suzanne van Berkel in pilot studies in the effectiveness of homeopathic treatment of Malaria


Visit our site for more information

Didi Ananda Ruchira