AMURT and AMURTEL Help Refugees

AMURTEL (Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team Ladies) in Greece is working to give relief to refugees with a particular focus on women who are pregnant, birthing, postpartum and those who have infants.

The situation there is beyond the scope of the few big aid agencies and massively beyond what economically-crippled Greece can handle. The bulk of the work on the ground with thousands of refugees arriving daily is being done by small volunteer groups from within Greece and abroad. AMURTEL is one of those groups and we and those we serve ask for your help. Please visit our crowdfunding campaign to contribute:

What I Learned Volunteering with Refugees in Greece

From Pregnancy through Infancy: Caring for Refugees in Greece

Help us keep the center going. Your contributions are greatly appreciated.

And please spread the word by sharing our Facebook page, AMURTEL Greece for Refugee Mothers and Babies

Our AMURT project in Lebanon for Syrian refugees is now funded by the German government, with over 50 staff and 30 drivers. We have 250 children in our own school and 1,000 in public schools that we also support.


Download the AMURTEL Greece 2018-2019 biennial report
Download the AMURTEL Greece 2018 annual report
Download the AMURTEL Greece 2017 annual report

Download the AMURT Lebanon project summary