Ukrainian Refugee Response
AMURT and AMURTEL have responded to the Ukrainian refugee crisis with humanitarian aid in the form of basic necessities and psycho-social support.
In Romania, AMURTEL is sharing its expertise in emergency psychology and coordination with the government and NGOs present at the Ukraine border point of Siret. We train local Romanian first responders and volunteers in psychological first aid and self-care. AMURTEL also supports a local civic society logistics operation called Help Ukraine Romania in northern Romania, at the Siret border point, and has established this website for the purpose.
In Moldavia, volunteers fed hundreds of refugees on the border in a consortium of organizations during the early surge of refugees.
In Western Europe, AMURT is supporting Ukrainian refugees with accommodation in Poland, Italy and other countries of their choice.
AMURT US works with AMURT UK to provide cash support for a network of people within Ukraine. Funds are distributed through phone apps to community coordinators, who then provide whatever food and medicine are needed for others in their buildings or immediate neighbourhoods and centres for internally displaced people.