The name Kaoshikii comes from the Sanskrit word kosa, meaning “layer of mind”. Kaoshikii develops the subtler layers of mind, cultivating the feeling of mysticism – the endeavour to establish a link between the finite and the infinite – in one’s consciousness. It instills self-confidence and encourages self-expression. It is a total body exercise, and a medicine in itself. It prolongs the lifespan, keeping the body youthful, strengthens the leg joints, increases flexibility and endurance, prevents and cures disease (including many types of liver diseases) and eases the pain of menstruation and childbirth, enabling easy delivery. Although kaoshikii is for both women and men, it is particularly beneficial for women.
Here’s how to practice it:
Kaoshikii has four phases: to the right, to the left, forwards, and backwards (see the diagrams below):
1. Stand with your palms together and arms beside your ears, pointing up vertically.
Now start with the right-movement phase. It is three stages to the right, then two back to the center:
2. As you place your right foot behind your left heel, move your body the first stage to the right.
3. As you place your left foot behind your right heel, move your body a further stage to the right.
4. As you place your right foot behind your left heel, move your body the final stage to the right.
Now come back to the center the same way, but this time in two stages:
5. As you place your left foot behind your right heel, move your body half way to the left.
6. As you place your right foot behind your left heel, move your body the remaining stage back to the center-vertical position.
Now the left-movement phase. It is the same as the first phase, only this time to the left:
7. As you place your left foot behind your right heel, move your body the first stage to the left.
8. As you place your right foot behind your left heel, move your body a further stage to the left.
9. As you place your left foot behind your right heel, move your body the final stage to the left.
Now come back to the center again in two stages:
10. As you place your right foot behind your left heel, move your body half way to the right.
11. As you place your left foot behind your right heel, move your body the remaining stage back to the center-vertical position.
Now the forward-movement phase. It is two stages down, and one back up to the center-vertical position:
12. As you place your right foot behind your left heel, extend your arms directly out in front of you, parallel to the floor.
13. As you place your left foot behind your right heel, bend down and touch the floor with your fingertips.
14. As you place your right foot behind your left heel, come back up to the center-vertical position again in one movement.
Now the backward-movement phase. It is two stages back, and one to the center-vertical position again:
15. As you place your left foot behind your right heel, bend your body back the first stage.
16. As you place your right foot behind your left heel, bend your body back the final stage.
17. As you place your left foot behind your right heel, come back to the center-vertical position in one movement.
18. Stamp your right foot on the ground.
19. Stamp your left foot on the ground.
Repeat the whole cycle as many times as you like.
Benefits of Kaoshikii
1. It exercises all the glands and limbs from head to foot.
2. It increases longevity.
3. It makes for easy delivery.
4. The spine will become flexible.
5. Arthritis of the spine, neck, waist and other joints will be removed.
6. Gout in the spine, neck, hands and waist will be lost.
7. The mind becomes strong and sharp.
8. Irregularities in menstruation will be cured.
9. Glandular secretions will become regulated.
10. Troubles in the bladder and urethra will be cured.
11. It gives control over the limbs.
12. It adds charm and shine to the face and skin.
13. It removes wrinkles.
14. It removes lethargy.
15. It cures insomnia.
16. It cures hysteria.
17. Fear complexes will be removed.
18. Hopelessness will be lost.
19. It helps in self-expression and develops one’s potentiality.
20. Spinal pain, piles, hernia, hydrocele in men, nervous pain, nervous disability will be cured.
21. It cures kidney and gall bladder troubles, gastric trouble, dyspepsia, acidity, dysentery, syphilis, gonorrhoea, obesity, thinness and liver diseases.
22. It increases the capacity to work until 75-80 years of age.Contact us if you have any questions
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